I am a Ph.D. candidate at the Toulouse School of Economics and I am on the 2024/2025 Job Market.
My research lies at the intersection of Finance and Information Economics. I study how the design of information and incentives can soften inefficiencies in financial markets. I am working on algorithmic transparency in credit markets, bank stress tests, and risk management.
Here is my CV, you can contact me at alessio.ozanne@tse-fr.eu.
Research Fields:
Financial Intermediation, FinTech, Financial Market Microstructure.
Information Design, Contract Theory.
Digital Economics, Economics of Data, Economics of Algorithms.
Prof. Alexander Guembel (TSE, co-primary advisor)
Prof. Matthieu Bouvard (TSE, co-primary advisor)
Prof. Ansgar Walther (Imperial College)
Prof. Milo Bianchi (TSE)
Placement Officer:
Prof. Ulrich Hege (TSE)